DCF Passed 2011 with the following Project

01. Mission Winter Care 1″ — 27th December                                                          


DCF Passed 2012 with lots of Project. The Projects are following

01. “Omor Ekushe Provat Feri” — 21st February

02. “Workshop on “Self Awareness & Humanity” — 16th March

03. “Project Phoenix” — 18th May

04. “Project Happy Face” — 7th July

05. Project “Asar Tori” — 20th July

06. Project “Alor Prodip Jalabo Bole” — 1st September

07. “1 Year Celebration of DCF” — 21st September

08. “DCF Blood Camp 1″ with Shandhani — 12th October

09. “Mission Hatiya” — 18th October

10. “DCF Blood Camp 2″ with Red Crescent — 14th November

11. “Mission Winter Care 2” — 25th December.


DCF Passed 2013 with lots of Project. The Projects are following

01. “Project Tree Plantation-1” — 21st March

02. “Project Independence” — 26th March

03. “Mission Brahmanbaria” — 5th April 

04. “NotunkurirNoboborsho” — 14th April 

05. “Mission Savar” — 24th April 

06. Project “Shanto Tragedy” — July 6 to October 28

07. Project “Life Aid-2” — 7th August 

08. “DCF Blood Grouping Camp-3” — 6th September 

09. “DCF Blood Grouping Camp-1” — 28th September

10. “DCF Blood Grouping Camp-2” — 12th October

11. Project “Sobar Sathe EID” — 16th October

12. Project “Life Aid-3” — 2nd November

13. “National Voluntary Blood Donation & Posthumous Eye Donation Day” —  2nd November 

14. Project “Life Aid-4″ — 7th November 

15. “Free Friday Blood Grouping Camp” — (Series going on)

16. “Mission Winter Care-3”  — 27th December


DCF Passed 2014 with lots of Project. The Projects are following 

1. “Van distribution project, slot-1” — 24th February

2. “Shishuder Jonno Amra” — 3rd April 

3. “DCF Technical Training Center” — 25th May

4. “Project Life Aid-5” —30th May

5. “Semai, chini ebong iftar bitoron event” — 25th Jully

6. “Project Life Aid-6” — 05th August 

7. “3rd Year Celebration of DCF” — 21th September

8. “Rickshaw-van distribution project, slot-2” —26th September

9. “Mission Winter Care 4” —27th December 
